I wanted to expand on my thoughts for the Here, There, and Everywhere activity we did in the first section, and I decided to write a post on my blog where I keep lots of my reflections. But I wanted to share here too in case it’s of interest to others!
In this post I focus on the four phases of Intentionally Equitable Hospitality, because it struck me that I mostly focus on the middle two:
- Pre-design
- Design
- Facilitation
- Beyond the moment
I am sure I put most of my efforts into design and facilitation, whether for a course or for a workshop or other event. One thing that really stood out to me was the importance of putting together a diverse design and facilitation team that can help with designing the event through their various perspectives and experiences. If it’s largely me designing, I can only anticipate so many potential ways in which a session may be welcoming and supportive, or perpetuate inequality or oppression. I want to think more about how to do this when designing courses–perhaps reaching out to more people who would be interested in and have the time to provide feedback (without overburdening already overburdened people though).
In the blog post I also talk about the last phase, beyond the moment, as something I’d like to think about more too.
Here’s the post if you’re interested! 4 phases of Intentionally Equitable Hospitality
For the header image I chose an icon of the phases of the moon (which is what came up when I searched The Noun Project for “phases”). It’s not four, but I like the idea of a cycle that keeps going, over and over.
Love the moon phases metaphor!